Thursday, May 26, 2016

No Motivation?

I have not had any motivation recently to write. I've been too busy. Then I heard this:

Without incentive, there is no motivation.

Duh. How could I be so stupid?!

This is why writing contests work and get many entries, but books remain unwritten and unpublished in those same author's computers.

Authors like me.

 Without incentive, there is no motivation.

This is why I like to collaborate with others. Not only does it bring out the best in me because I challenge myself to be great, but also because they set a pace for me, a deadline, and encourage me to write something they will be proud of and I will, too.

I write for others. 

Some people write for themselves. I don't. I don't have extra baggage I need to get rid of. I write for others. I want others to feel, dream, laugh, love.

Maybe I have a story inside that needs to get out.

But it won't be for me. It won't be to heal me or solve some mystery of myself. It will be for you.

You are my motivation.

You are my passion.

You are my missing piece.

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