Friday, April 3, 2015

A to Z - "C" is for CreateSpace, Critique Circle

CreateSpace is a self-publishing site that creates print versions of your books on demand.

Here is a helpful article from Writer's Circle that explains how Amazon publishing and CreateSpace work together.

Again, make sure your manuscript is polished and formatted!

Print-on-demand or ebooks leave all the work up to you. You write, you edit or pay for an editor, you format, you design, you upload. You market. If you can do all of these things, you might make a few sales.

Beta readers are great helpers when it comes to polishing a manuscript.

If you don't have a good friend or family member who can be unbiased and enjoys reading the style or genre you write in,

try Critique Circle.

Critique Circle is a place where authors can share bits of their works at a time and have them critiqued. Not all of the readers are professional editors, most are simply writers. It is a place to grow and learn. In order to have your work critiqued, first you must critique the works of others and leave good feedback. You earn credits for these critiques which then are spent entering your own work for critique. You can follow stories, too, if you get involved in a good tale and build a relationship with the author.

Relationships are good!

Critique Circle also offers a notebook to gather your thoughts, writing prompts, outlining help, and various tools or games to distract yourself. Read the forums and critique the stories. Have fun!


Stephen Tremp said...

Elsha, I use CreateSpace and just received five ARCs yesterday. Sent them out for last minute reviews to friends and family.

Love the cat pic. Mind if I use it on Facebook?

Unknown said...

thank you that has been very useful to me , I do toy with the idea of publishing my writings from time to time so will look further into it.
visiting on the a to z

ElshaHawk said...

Steve, I don't mind. I found the cat picture on the internets. I'm not sure if my family would want copies of my work to read or not..

Sandra, you're welcome. Research your options and set a deadline for yourself!

Thanks for visiting my blog!