Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

Something about this season (It begins in November), this time of year, gives me a yearning, a longing. I start thinking of plot threads, characters, scenes. I feel creative juices bubbling to the surface. But I have not put pen to paper, nor fingers to keyboard.

What's wrong with me?!?

I haven't had time to write with college assignments due. :(

But those are over for a couple weeks.

The engine is idling, let's add some gas! Go muse, go!

Here are some writing plans I have been mulling over:
  • write up more blog posts
  • edit an old story and change things up
  • look back over a few ficlies and pick up on a thread there, expanding it into a book
  • work on the 2 manuscripts that I am editing for my husband and my friend
I pulled out a fresh composition notebook and a pen.

Let's do this!

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