
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

I began writing and telling stories as a child, but after a hiatus, I decided to spread my wings and try to write for feedback. Growing and ballooning from there, I have dabbled in ebooks, researched marketing and promotion of myself, joined social media, and written 3 full length novels and one (lost forever) screenplay. So far, those are not out in the world for public viewing, but with editing, one day they might be. :)

So who am I really??

Elsha Hawk is a mid-western, center-brained, imaginative, pragmatist who errs on the side of optimism. She is a writer, mom, teacher, wife, and go-getter (just another way to say she takes the bull by the horns ♉ ). If she doesn't have at least 3 irons in the fire, she's probably bedridden with an incurable disease.

She won the short story contest, "Write to Win", in Writer's Journal and was published in the Nov/Dec 2009 issue.

She also published a short story in Eclectic Flash in the April 2010 issue.

She writes micro fiction on ficlatte.com.

Look her up on Smashwords! She offers you FREE e-books.

Twitter: @ElshaHawk
Facebook: ElshaHawk
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elsha-hawk

LOVE.. is what makes life worth living!

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