
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Exciting News!

Today I have self-published my first book.

This was a long time in coming. I had attempted this book in 2008-2009 when I wrote it as a Nanowrimo novel and used the winning promotions to self-publish. However, I was in too much of a hurry and submitted a draft rather than a polished copy. Ashamed, I let it stagnate.

I tried to do a full re-write but lost that document in a computer crash. I was devastated.

Until I found the original.

This month, I woke it back up. I did some research and made it better. It has a new title, new cover (or two), and a little bit of new content. The bones were good. It didn't need all the change I thought it did. I'm happy with it. It makes a good first novel. It may not be huge, but it is not terrible.

It is now LIVE on Amazon, Kindle Direct, CreateSpace, and Goodreads (link coming). There will be a promo or a giveaway.

Also, I have a shiny new facebook author page. . Please go and like it.

I've also tried my hand at NO Content books. I made a couple of cute homework planners.

In the works is a new short story for free on smashwords, and the beginnings of a new manuscript. :)

Stay tuned for more!

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